Meat substitutes increase your margin

By using more vegetables and less meat or fish on the plate, the cost of your dishes will be lower and the margin higher. How can you make meat substitutes as attractive as possible?

Meat substitutes increase your margin

Demand for vegetarian meals is increasing. Supermarket shelves with meat substitutes are expanding, and the products are improving in quality. This is due to the fact that many people want to continue to experience the taste and feel of meat. As a chef, you can take advantage of this trend by offering vegetables as a recognisable and healthy alternative to meat or fish. Vegetables are also more sustainable than fish or meat, and therefore are not only good for your guests but also for the world.

Vegetables are the answer to the demand for more high-margin products, more vegetarian options on offer and a more sustainable menu! Handle vegetables like fish or meat, for instance by marinating them, pre-cooking them sous-vide or steaming them. The advantage is that in addition to enhancing their flavour, this process ensures the right tenderness and convenience when breading.


We used cauliflower to make a cauliflower schnitzel with gorgonzola sauce, which we serve with roast cauliflower and Swiss chard salad. And out of aubergine we made an aubergine-miso schnitzel with tomato cream sauce, garnished with basil, pangrattato and capellini pasta.

Rational production

Rationalise your work so as to further increase your margin and prepare greater quantities at the same time. This will save time and thus money. Many products keep well under the right conditions. Cream sauces and cream soups freeze very well, for example. Debic’s culinary cream is stable in the freezer and regains its consistency when thawed.

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