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Live Demo Sessions
Join us at the FHM 2023!
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Day 1 – Tuesday, 19th September 2023
11:30 am: Melody, Valentine's Day Recipe - Chef Otto Tay
1:30 pm: Citrus Chocolate, Father's Day Recipe - Chef Lawrence
3:30 pm: Exotique, Christmas Recipe - Chef Lawrence
Day 2 - Wednesday, 20th September 2023
11:30 am: Sakura Cherry Roll, Valentine's Day Recipe - Chef Frank Haasnoot
1:30 pm: Chalet, Christmas Recipe - Chef Frank Haasnoot
3:30 pm: Forest, Christmas Recipe - Chef Frank Haasnoot
Day 3 – Thursday, 21st September 2023
11:30 am: Chalet, Christmas Recipe - Chef Frank Haasnoot
1:30 pm: Hong Yun, Chinese New Year Recipe - Chef Otto Tay
3:30 pm: Flora, Valentine's Day Recipe - Chef Frank Haasnoot
Day 4 - Friday, 22nd September 2023
11:00 am: Pink Rose, Mother's Day Recipe - Chef Loi MIng Ai
12:30 pm: Fleur de Myrtille, Christmas Recipe - Chef Loi Ming Ai