Ice coffee 'mandorle'

An inspirational recipe for iced coffee with almond parfait.

Dessert Dinner Evening


Almond parfait

1000 ml Debic Parfait

200 g almond paste or marzipan


100 g chocolate rounds

1 x small carafe of coffee per person

800 ml Debic Cream with Sugar


Almond parfait

Soften the almond paste using a small part of the liquid Debic Parfait.

Whip the rest of the Debic Parfait to a light mousse.

Add the softened almond paste and whip a little more to form a smooth mass.

Divide the mousse into half sphere moulds and freeze.

Remove the frozen half spheres and roll them into pretty round balls.


Assemble the iced coffee for customers at the table.

To do this, place a few balls of almond parfait in a heatproof glass.

Sprinkle with chocolate rounds.

Pour the fresh coffee onto the parfait at the table.

Serve with whipped Debic Cream with Sugar on the side.