Mascarpone cream bar

with pistachio and raspberries

Debic Shapes Debic Slagroom met suiker


For 10 servings

Mascarpone cream bars

10 Debic Shapes Mascarpone Cream balk

Pistachio cream

500 ml Debic cream with sugar

50 g pistachio paste


20 raspberries

20 strawberries

100 ml raspberry sauce

20 g chopped pistachios


Mascarpone cream bar

Remove the mascarpone bar from the blister. Place on a plate and cover with plastic. Thaw in the fridge.

Pistachio cream

Whip the sugared cream until light and fluffy. Take a few spoonfuls of the whipped cream and mix with the pistachio paste. Mix this mixture with a spatula through the rest of the whipped cream. Pour into a piping bag with a smooth nozzle.

Finishing touch

Make blobs of pistachio cream of different sizes on the mascarpone bar. Make small holes in the cream with a warm Pomme Parisienne spoon. Fill them with the raspberry coulis. Garnish the side of the mascarpone bar with the raspberries, the strawberries and the remaining raspberry coulis. Sprinkle the chopped pistachios over the dessert.