
An inspirational quiche recipe with pancetta and spinach with French dressing.

Appetizer Quiche Spinach
Quiche - photo1 | Debic



500 g Flour

250 ml Water

20 g Fresh yeast

100 g Butter


350 g Pancetta

125 g Onions, sliced

125 g Leeks

200 g Sun-dried tomatoes

125 g Spinach

100 g Parmesan cheese

150 g Mature cheese

Egg mixture

500 ml Debic Culinaire Original

1000 ml Milk

1000 g Eggs

150 g Starch

14 g Salt

4 g Nutmeg

8 g Black pepper

French dressing

500 ml Debic Culinaire Original

125 ml White wine vinegar

50 g Mustard

5 g Icing sugar

5 g Salt

50 g Shallots, finely chopped

10 g Flat-leaf parsley



Knead all the ingredients together into a smooth dough and leave to rise for 20 minutes.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2.5 mm, line the baking tins with dough and prick holes in the bases with a fork.


Dice the pancetta, the onion and the leek.

Fry until crispy.

Cut the sun-dried tomatoes and spinach into strips.

Mix the tomatoes, spinach and cheese with the warm ingredients.

Add the filling to the baking tins which are lined with pastry.

Egg mixture

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl.

Pour the mixture through a sieve to remove any lumps.

Divide the mixture over the quiches.

French dressing

Mix all the ingredients for the dressing except the Debic Culinaire Original, the shallots and parsley.

Add the Debic Culinary Original while stirring and keep stirring until the mixture is smooth.

The dressing can also be prepared with a kitchen machine, blender or hand blender.

Add the finely chopped shallots and parsley and store the dressing in the refrigerator.


Bake the quiche in the oven at 160degreesC for 60 minutes.

Finishing touch

Cut the quiche into equal pieces and reheat in the oven.

Mix the dressing with the rocket and spread over the quiche.