Bergamot lemon cake parfait

with butter cake



1 l Debic Parfait

300 g butter cake

150 ml Bergamot lemon juice and zest

20 g blobs of meringue (Pidy)

1 tray of lime cress

50 g lemon curd


Bergamot lemon cookie parfait

Whip the parfait until light and airy in the planetary mixer and add the juice and zest of the bergamot lemon.

Cut the cake into small cubes and add to the parfait mixture.

Mix well and transfer the mixture to a piping bag with a large serrated nozzle.

Pipe the parfait into the cups.

Heat a small round ice cream scoop in warm water and dry after.

Press the convex side onto the tuft to form a dimple.

Put in the freezer.

Top the parfait with lemon curd, a cube of cake and a sprig of lime cress.