Ask our chefs

Knowledge is often transferred from one generation of chefs to the other. We take many things as truth, but sometimes we wonder why we do certain things and whether we can do better. Debic has a team of culinary advisors throughout Europe with a wealth of knowledge and experience that we are happy to share with you.

Ask our chefs
Ask our chefs
What is burrata?

Burrata has been appearing on the menu more and more in recent years. What exactly is that? Burrata is actually the ultimate mozzarella: in terms of structure and richness in taste. Unlike 'regular' mozzarella, burrata is not made from buffalo milk, but from cow's milk. The cheese is filled with a mixture of cream, pieces of mozzarella and ricotta and
then buttoned up. The taste is very soft and the creamy inside runs out as soon as you cut the cheese. For that reason, you can't slice it and use it in a different way.

Ask our chefs
Which salt types are relevant?

About fifteen years ago it was mainly a matter of choosing between table salt, fine sea salt or coarse sea salt. First (the still immensely popular) fleur de sel was added and later the indispensable Maldon salt. Then the fence of the dam was closed and Himalayan salt, Hawaiian salt, Persian blue salt, black salt, Scandinavian smoke salt and so on we could go on and on. Choosing a certain type of salt can really make a difference, but 98% of all salt is the same! The table salt we use occurs in the ground as rock salt and originated from dried up inland seas. Therefore there is no difference with sea salt. Only the win differs. Both sea salt and the more expensive fleur de sel and Maldon salt are created by allowing water to evaporate and collecting the salt crystals. These crystals make the difference, because in addition to taste, they give a special structure to your creations.

What is unagi?

Unagi is Japanese for eel and is also the common name for a traditionally prepared freshwater eel. The preparation is actually called 'kabayaki', which stands for grilling and coating fish. It differs per region whether the eel is grilled or steamed. However, the purpose of the sauce is the same. By continuously applying thin layers with a brush or by dipping the eel in the sauce during cooking, you get a beautifully lacquered eel. "Anago" is the Japanese word for conger eel. This is generally prepared the same, but is leaner and therefore less full of flavor.

Ask our chefs
Where does the name buttermilk come from?

It's in the word, of course, but buttermilk is a by-product of 'churning', the classic technique of making butter. Buttermilk is also called buttermilk and in England and America they use the word 'buttermilk'. Today, most buttermilk is produced in dairies and is no longer a by-product of butter production. To make buttermilk from milk, lactic acid bacteria are added that convert the milk sugars into lactic acid. This gives the buttermilk its fresh taste, which is one of the reasons why it is so popular in the summer. In addition to drinks, it is also an interesting ingredient, for example in pancakes and dressings

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