Raspberry Popcorn

Bisquit with raspberry mousse and popcorn

Raspberry Popcorn Vegan


For 10 servings


300 g almond milk

145 g sunflower oil

5 g vanilla powder

300 g flower

40 g corn starts

15 g baking powder

250 g sugar

5 g salt

50 g lime juice

Raspberry mousse

300 g raspberry purée

600 g Debic Vegan-Top

10 g pectin

50 g sugar

Raspberry glaze

260 g water

345 g caster sugar (1)

74 g caster sugar (2)

10 g pectin

30 g lemon juice

40 g raspberry puree


Pipe the raspberry mousse in a round mold off 8 cm and freeze

Heat up the glaze and dip the unmould frozen raspberry cakes into the glaze

Decorate with popcorn