Whip the chocolate mousse until light and airy in the planet mixer and add the passion fruit purée.
Continue to whip briefly and transfer the mixture into a suitable container.
Store in the refrigerator.
Mango cream
Bring the purée to the boil and dissolve the white chocolate in it.
Mount with butter and then cool.
Papaya jelly
Dissolve the sugar in the papaya purée and bring to the boil with the agar.
Pour onto a thin tray and store in the refrigerator.
Cut out a slice of mango with a round cutter and marinade in the jasmine syrup.
Finishing touch
Whip the whipping cream until light and airy and arrange on the plate with the chocolate mousse. Finish with the papaya-mango cream mousse jelly, Cape gooseberry, marinated mango and leaves and jasmine syrup.